
Your All-in-One Product Partner

Neo Cross Continental stands as your comprehensive ally, offering everything from tobacco and soft drinks to exotic sweets. We go beyond mere supply; we equip retailers with a diverse product range and strategic insights. Our mission is to elevate your game in the marketplace, ensuring you’re not just meeting market demands but leading them. With us, experience a partnership that transforms your business goals into achievements. As your dedicated partner, we’re committed to listening to your unique needs and requests, striving to fulfill your specific requirements and enhance your product selection.

Discover a World of Quality Products and Unbeatable Service

From Premium Tobacco to Refreshing Beverages and Exotic Sweets – Your One-Stop Wholesale Solution

Tobacco Products

Our tobacco range is carefully selected to cater to all preferences. From a wide range of cigarettes, to the finest cigars for the connoisseur to vaping products for the modern consumer, we ensure top quality in every puff.

Soft Drinks and Beverages

Quench your customers’ thirst with our extensive beverage selection. From classic soft drinks like Fanta, Coca-Cola to energy boosters like Red Bull and unique, trendy drinks, we provide a refreshing variety that caters to all tastes.

Exotic Sweets

Indulge your customers’ sweet cravings with our exotic sweets collection. Featuring sought-after treats like Takis and Reese’s, our range is a treasure trove of rare and delightful flavors that promise a unique taste adventure.

Our Unique Bundle Packages

Discover the smarter way to stock your shelves

Our bundling options bring you more than products – they bring enhanced value and benefits. Unlock the full potential of your retail business with our exclusive bundling options. By combining purchases across categories, you gain access to unparalleled benefits that drive both savings and sales. Our bundles are designed to give your business a competitive edge and give you the opportunity to offer a wider variety of products, attracting a broader customer base.

Bundle Now: Choose products from multiple product categories to unlock your bundle potential

Our Subscription Models

Uniquely choosable subscription models fitting your demand

Embrace the efficiency and predictability of our subscription services. Designed for the forward-thinking retailer, our subscriptions ensure you always have the right stock at the right time and save money. From smoothing out supply chain complexities to providing consistent quality, our subscription model is a game-changer for retail businesses. Try it out for free and enjoy the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time with a month’s notice.

Better Prices

Using subscriptions enables you to procure your products cheaper. Increase your spending volume with us and see how your margins rise.

Extended Payment Terms

Flexible payment options, allowing for better financial planning. With our models you can gain up to 30 days in extended time for payments.

Increased Efficiency

Welcome regular, scheduled deliveries for operational efficiency. Buy partly in subscriptions and reduce overstock and shortages.

How and why use subscription models?

Let us explain to you why subscriptions are the appropriate way to improve your business and how you can best achieve it.

To understand how you should set up a subscription plan, use this step by step plan:

  • Begin by examining your sales data to identify consistent patterns.
  • Determine the stable portion of your demand, which typically ranges between 50-60%. This is the portion that can be reliably covered by subscriptions.
  • Example: You sell 300 cigarette cartons on average per month but 150 at a minimum.
  • Establish subscriptions to cover this consistent base demand. This ensures you always have essential stock on hand.
  • For the remaining 40-50% of your demand, which might fluctuate, continue with manual ordering. This allows flexibility to adjust to changes in customer preferences or seasonal variations.
  • Combining subscriptions with manual orders creates a balanced strategy. You leverage the stability of subscriptions while maintaining the adaptability to meet varying demands.

And now let us show you why you should do it:

Better Pricing

Subscriptions often come with volume discounts, meaning the more you commit, the more you save. These savings can significantly lower your cost of goods sold, improving your overall profit margins, without compromising flexibility.

Extended Payment Terms

Subscriptions can offer more favourable payment terms, such as extended deadlines for payments up to 30 days. This flexibility can improve your cash flow, allowing you to allocate funds more effectively across your business operations.

Streamlined Inventory Management

With a subscription, you can better predict your inventory needs, leading to a more streamlined stock management process. This predictability helps in reducing both excess inventory and the risk of running out of stock.

Financial Predictability

Regular, predictable orders and costs associated with subscriptions make it easier to forecast your financial needs. This clarity is invaluable for budgeting and financial planning, helping you make more informed business decisions.

Adaptability to Market Trends

The flexibility of manual ordering in conjunction with subscriptions means you can quickly adjust to market trends and consumer demands. This responsiveness is crucial in staying competitive and meeting your customers’ needs effectively.

Stronger Supplier Relationships

Regular interactions and consistent ordering through subscriptions leads to stronger relationships with us. These relationships can result in better service, priority support, and access to special deals or products, as well as cutting-edge insights.

Administrative Efficiency

Subscriptions reduce the need for frequent order placements, cutting down on administrative tasks and freeing up time for other aspects of your business. This efficiency can be a significant advantage in managing day-to-day operations.

Competitive Edge

By combining the stability of subscriptions with the flexibility of manual ordering, you create a purchasing strategy that is both cost-effective and responsive. This approach can give you a significant edge over competitors who may not have such a balanced system in place.

Flexible Change and Cancellation

We offer this service for you to experience it without commitment. Flexible cancellation underscores our confidence in the value we provide, allowing you to experience our services risk-free and with the assurance of flexibility. It’s a testament to our commitment to customer satisfaction and adaptability in meeting your business needs. Just give us a months notice, in case you want to change or cancel your subscription.

By leveraging a hybrid subscription model, you achieve the stability of regular supply while retaining the flexibility to adapt to market demands, positioning your business for growth and resilience in the competitive retail landscape.

Tailored Procurement Solutions for Your Unique Needs

Didn’t find what you are looking for? At Neo Cross Continental, we understand that every client has unique needs and preferences. That’s why we go beyond standard offerings to provide bespoke procurement solutions tailored to your specific requirements. We believe in the power of a personal touch and are dedicated to accommodating special requests to bring your vision to life.

Whether you have specific product requirements, unique design considerations, or are in search of something truly out-of-the-box, our team is here to make it happen. We pride ourselves on our ability to handle even the most unique and challenging requests, ensuring that your needs are not just met, but exceeded.

Your Desires, Our Mission

Our commitment to individualized service means we’re always ready to listen to your needs and explore new possibilities. We take the time to understand your specific goals and work diligently to source and supply exactly what you’re looking for. With our extensive network and industry expertise, we’re well-equipped to fulfill even the most specific and unique procurement requests.

Get in Touch for Customized Solutions

Ready to experience a procurement service that’s as unique as your business? Contact us today to discuss your specific needs. Let us take care of the details, so you can focus on what you do best. Our team is excited to work with you to turn your ideas into reality.

Personal Touch

We emphasize a personal touch in our client interactions, ensuring that our service is attentive and responsive to your needs, while maintaining professional standards.

Seamless Integration

Our goal is to seamlessly integrate our products into your business, making the process efficient and straightforward.

Excellent Conditions

Committed to top-notch service and quality products, we ensure that the value you receive consistently meets high standards.



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